In the Junior Hall, where we displayed our boards, there were little reflections that we wanted people to fill out. We got a lot of great comments! If you wrote something, thank you very much for your comment.
Here are some reflections from that evening:
- I learned that 32% of people in year 6 are not from Sudan.
- I am impressed with their clear voices and loud speaking.
- I learned that Celebrating Sudan has many aspects and traditions.
- I was impressed of the ways of communication and expressions and different ideas.
- I learned Sudan is important in the world.
- I was impressed with the presentation.
- I learned that 32% of people in year 6 are not born in Sudan.
- I was impressed with clear voices and loud voices.
- I learned that the percentage of the people in kics who know a lot about Sudan is high.
- I was impressed with the knowledge of Sudan's history.
- I learned that Sudan is a great country to live in and be proud of.
- I was impressed they came up with good actions.
- I learned Sudan isn't actually a bad country to live in.
- I was impressed with how they encourage people to like Sudan
- I learned effective change does not need to be complicated.
- I was impressed with students power teaching kids.
- I learned that people have to respect the culture of people.
- I was impressed that every country has a bright side.